Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mad scientist ninja stitcher

So this is basically just me rambling about my recent burst of craftiness.  If that isn't something you want to read...umm...stop reading.

So I recently got this hooded vest/dress thing at the thrift store down the street.  I liked it because it was comfy and has pockets, but I'm not really crazy about hoods unless they are on sweatshirts.  Also, the pockets are kind of awkwardly high, and the color is kind of boring.  Also, there is a zipper that runs about halfway down, which adds an extra element of challenge to re-designing this thing.  So here is the ultimate plan (in the order in which the ideas came to me):

1. Embroider something on it!  I spent most of our Stitch 'n Bitch time yesterday doing this.  I am nowhere near done, but as you can see there are some green, gold, and brown leaves starting on the shoulder there.

2. Cut off the hood and make it into a cowl somehow!  You would be amazed at how many online tutorials there aren't for this kind of thing.  I found one video that uses a regular hooded sweatshirt (not a zip-up) but the end result is kind of a weird scoop-necked thing.  I watched it to get a general idea, then just went for it.   As you can see, I didn't mess it up too horribly yet!  It mostly resembles a cowl now, I just need to get some buttons so I can close the neck when I'm wearing it but have it open when I need to get it on and off.  Right now there are just safety pins, which are not a long-term solution.

3. Move the pockets!  I haven't started this yet, but I am confident that with the careful application of a seam ripper, I will be triumphant.  The pockets are currently somewhere between my naval and my chest, which is just a weird location.  I am hoping to relocate them (possibly reshape them, too) to a more comfortable position lower down and further apart.  We'll see.

Anyway, my room is now a disaster area, because I had to move things to have space to set up the sewing machine, plus there is a bunch of laundry and all the stuff that I just haven't put away from whenever I was last using it.  I feel like a mad scientist, if sewing can be considered mad science.

I promise I will post better pictures when this is actually finished.  Someday...


The Moldy Cannoli said...

I liked reading about your craftiness. I really need a craft buddy. :(

The Moldy Cannoli said...

Kira, can you email me your current email address? I still have your school one. I think you have mine...

jennasaurus said...

It is so much fun having a project! I hope that you have a before picture somewhere of what you started out with. Can't wait to see the finished result... so far so good!